About the seller and consumers
В конце сентября 2015 года была опубликована статья С. Чаплыгина «Об импортозамещении…
Читать полностьюLeader of capacitor manufacturing in CIS countries, it produces a wide range of energy-saving equipment: from individual low-voltage (up to 1000 V) and high-voltage (1 - 24 kV) power factor correction capacitors up to capacitor banks of reactive power compensation in 35 - 330 kV networks. For 60 years of its activity, Ust-Kamenogorsk Capacitor Plant has acquired not only vast experience, but also introduced a number of innovative technologies into the production of capacitor products, which allowed it to take a leading position in the electrical market of Kazakhstan, Russia and other CIS countries.
Ust-Kamenogorsk Capacitor Plant has many years of experience in production of capacitor equipment applying modern innovative technologies. Cooperating with world-known global suppliers of materials and components, and also having our own production base the factory produces high-quality competitive products.
The product range is constantly being expanded and updated in accordance with the requirements of the market and consumer demand.
Capacitor equipment is designed for a long (up to 30 years) operation service life.
Own accredited verification laboratory eliminates the possibility of incorrect test measurements and is an additional guarantee of high quality products.
The equipment produced at Ust-Kamenogorsk Capacitor Plant is widely used in many enterprises of engineering, metallurgical, energy, oil and gas, large food industries. Production in Ust-Kamenogorsk city is growing year by year. The product range is expanding, the appearance of innovative technologies of power electronics allows you to create products that successfully compete with the best European and world analogues.
Consumers of products developed and produced by UKCP receive substantial economic benefits due to a reasonable optimization of enterprise’s power system operation. Total consumption and electricity generation costs are reduced up to 40 %.
Distribution networks begin to function more reliably and economically.
Active energy losses are decreased.
The heat losses of the current are reduced.
Almost no reactive energy is generated during minimum load on the network.
The power supply system allows you to expand additional powers without increasing the cost of networks, as its carrying capacity increases significantly.
Operation life of transformers, supply inlet lines and other components of distribution networks significantly increases by reducing its rated load.